【Academic Conference】Fifth Cross-Strait Symposium on Chinese Cultural Heritage and Development Held in Wuhan

News Network (Correspondent Zhang Mengna) - From April 13 to 14, the Fifth Cross-Strait Symposium on Chinese Cultural Heritage and Development, themed "Inheriting Chinese Culture and Building Cross-Strait Roots," was successfully held at Wuhan University.

Experts and scholars from both sides of the strait engaged in in-depth discussions on the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. Professor Guo Qiyong delivered a keynote report titled "The Characteristics of the Spirit of Chinese Culture." Scholars and guests from both sides, including Li Jiannan, Lin Anwu, Shen Jinhao, Lin Yandan, Han Gaonian, and Qu Guizhi, discussed the "Current Status, Problems, and Countermeasures of Chinese Cultural Inheritance and Development." The experts agreed that Chinese culture is the spiritual lifeline of the Chinese nation and a shared spiritual home for compatriots on both sides of the strait. They emphasized the need to maintain confidence in Chinese culture and to consciously act as its protectors, inheritors, and promoters, vividly showcasing its historical depth, civilizational breadth, spiritual height, and practical warmth, and to tell the Chinese story well to the world.

During the symposium, an event commemorating the 400th anniversary of Zheng Chenggong's birth was also held.

(Photo provided by the Taiwan Research Institute, Intern: Zhang Yu, Editor: Zhang Liping)

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