【Academic Conference】Seminar on New Quality Productive Forces Development Held by Wuhan University and Xinhua News Agency Hubei Branch

On April 17, the "Seminar on New Quality Productive Forces Development" was successfully held at the School of Economics and Management at Wuhan University.

Jointly organized by Xinhua News Agency, the seminar focused on the important topic of new quality productive forces, which has significant theoretical and practical implications for the in-depth study and advancement of new quality productive forces. In his opening remarks, Liang Jianqiang stated that Xinhua News Agency is the only media-type think tank among the national high-end think tanks. He expressed his hope to engage in deep exchanges with Wuhan University experts and scholars on issues such as the theoretical significance of new quality productive forces, achievements and highlights of their development across the country, and grassroots concerns and worries about their development.

Subsequently, Nie Jun, Huang Minxue, Ye Chusheng, and Li Zhuo, Deputy Director of the Economic Development Research Center at Wuhan University, elaborated on various issues related to new quality productive forces from different perspectives. Yang Mian, Director of the Institute of Economics, Lu Shengfeng, Deputy Director of the Department of Finance and Taxation, Wang Jinzhou, a professor at the Economic Development Research Center, and Yang Ling and Wan Panbing from the Institute of Economics, shared their reports.

During the Q&A session, participants engaged in lively interactions, discussing the role of the government in the development of new quality productive forces, how to better leverage the new national system, the development of new quality productive forces in central and western regions, the perception of private enterprises on new quality productive forces, and the role of state-owned enterprises in this regard.

The seminar was co-hosted by the School of Economics and Management at Wuhan University, the Economic Development Research Center at Wuhan University, and the Hubei Branch of Xinhua News Agency, with the support of the major project of the National Social Science Fund (21&ZD071) "Great Practice in the New Development Stage and Theoretical Innovation in Development Economics."

(Reporter: Liu Peiyao, Xiong Manjun; Photographer: Shen Minmin; Editor: Zhao Jifan)

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