[Academic Event]Academic Seminar on Institutional Cultural History and Book Launch for Professor Feng Tianyu's New Book

News Network (Correspondents: Yang Hua, Zhang Yueyue) On March 23rd, one year after the passing of Professor Feng Tianyu, Wuhan University held an academic seminar on institutional cultural history and a book launch for Professor Feng Tianyu's new book "Zhou System and Qin System." More than 100 of Professor Feng's peers, colleagues, and students gathered at Wuhan University to review his academic achievements and cherish his memory through academic discussions, book launches, and the unveiling of a statue.

Professor Feng Tianyu (1942-2023)

The seminar was held in the morning at the School of History. Huang Taiyan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University, pointed out in his speech that Professor Feng Tianyu made significant contributions to the study of Chinese cultural history in China and the construction of the discipline of Chinese cultural history at Wuhan University. He was a representative scholar in this field, demonstrating dedication and focus beyond the ordinary. His passing is a significant loss to the academic and cultural community in China and Wuhan University. Professor Feng donated art treasures accumulated by his family over several generations to Wuhan University, which remain treasured possessions of the university library to this day. Huang Taiyan called upon everyone to learn from Professor Feng and strive to make Wuhan University a world-class university.

Wang Xi, Chief Editor of the Commercial Press Wenjin Company, introduced the editing and publishing process of "Zhou System and Qin System." The book is Professor Feng Tianyu's final work completed on his sickbed. It argues that institutional cultural history is essential to the study of Chinese cultural history and deserves special attention. The patrilineal nature of the Zhou system and the autocratic discretion of the Qin system both hindered progress in traditional Chinese society. The book advocates for discarding the negative aspects of both systems, drawing on their merits, while also incorporating the favorable aspects of foreign institutional cultures to serve the construction of modern Chinese culture.

Participants engaged in lively discussions on the late Professor Feng Tianyu's research in his later years, "Chinese Institutional Cultural History," covering topics such as traditional Chinese institutional culture, contemporary Chinese cultural history research, and the construction of the discipline of Chinese cultural history. Scholars spoke about their academic interactions with Professor Feng Tianyu, reminisced about his academic spirit, and highly praised his academic achievements.

A solemn unveiling ceremony for the statue of Professor Feng Tianyu was held at the Feng Tianyu Memorial Cultural Park. A team led by the renowned artist and director of the China Art Museum, Professor Wu Weishan, introduced their creative process and the spiritual strength they gained from Mr. Feng during the creation.

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