Professor Deng Liming Attended International Academic Conference in Hong Kong

On June 13th, Prof. Deng Liming from the English Department of the School of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature participated in the Teaching and Research Academic and Professional English International Academic Conference organized by the University of Hong Kong. The conference was the highest academic event in the field. More than 500 scholars and experts from all over the world participated in this event, renowned experts like John Swales, Vijay Bhatia, Ken Hyland, John Flowerdew, Ann Johns, Janet Holmes were invited to make keynote reports.

Professor Deng Liming delivered a session report on self-mention, lexical bundles and citation behavior in academic discourse. The report was praised by John Swales, Vijay Bhatia, Ken Hyland, John Flowerdew, Ann Johns and other participants.

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