On October 26, Michael Seadle, Director of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science delivered a lecture at Luojia Forum entitled Managing and Verifying Research Data.
Professor Seadle elaborated on two important aspects of research data: integrity and authenticity. Integrity means that the data remain intellectually unchanged over time, and authenticity means that they are genuine. One of the issues that has grown in importance in recent years is data falsification and how to detect it. Storing fake data is damaging to the scientific process and undermines subsequent works that use it as a basis, but detection is far from easy.
Professor Seadle currently serves as Director of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Dean of the Faculty of Arts I, chair of the Commission on Research Malpractice at Humboldt-Universitätzu Berlin. He is chair of the international iSchool Caucus. He is also editor-in-chief of World Digital Libraries: An International Journal, co-editor of Library Hi Tech and is a member of the editorial boards of Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, and Reference Services Review. His current research areas are research integrity and long term digital archiving.
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