Economic Development Research Center

Founded by the famous economist Chongtai Tan in 1990, the Economic Development Research Center was approved as the key research institute of humanities and social science affiliated to the Ministry of Education. The Center has 3 national key disciplines: western economics, world economy and population, resources and environment economics. There are 22 researchers, 17 of whom are professors and 10 honored as Outstanding Talents by the Ministry of Education. The academic team boasts solid theoretical expertise, clear academic prospective, strong research competence and all-round calibers.

Ever since its founding, the Center has mainly focused on development economics and its promotion in China and the introduction of its practice theories to the world. Apart from conducting scientific researches and pushing academic exchanges, it also operates academic journals, runs academic websites and collects academic literature and data on development economics. Owing to its relentless researches for many years, the research Center has made outstanding achievements on many fronts such as development economics theory, China’s industrialization and urbanization, poverty reduction and development in rural areas, advantages of late-development, economic globalization, and comparative economic development, which honors Wuhan University a famous leader in the field of development economics. With its excellent performance, the Center ranked the 2ndamong 135 key institutes affiliated to Ministry of Education and was selected as the best economics institute of Humanities and Social Science over its 21 counterparts in 2009.

Under the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Development Economics Section of Chinese Foreign Economics Research Association was set up in 2006. It is the only academic society of development economics in China with its secretariat locating in the CEDR. The Center has also established Tan Chongtai Development Economics Scholarship to inspire young students’ interests on development economics and the relevant issues in China.


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