[High-End Forum]The 7th Luojia Financial Forum Held at Our University

News Network (Correspondents Li Jian and Liu Yong) On March 23rd, the 7th Luojia Financial Forum was held at our university. Zhao Xuemei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University, Liang Qi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Nankai University, Fang Ying, Vice President of Xiamen University, Yang Shenggang, Former Vice President of Hunan University, Wang Qing, Vice President of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Li Zhisheng, Vice President of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Zhou Mingshan, Vice President of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Yin Zhichao, Vice President of Capital University of Economics and Business, Ma Yaming from Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Yi Xingjian, Vice President of Guangdong Institute of Finance, and Liu Liya, Assistant to the President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics attended the conference. More than 200 experts and scholars from over 30 universities in the field of finance participated in the conference.

Zhao Xuemei delivered a speech, stating that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the crucial process of advancing a strong country and national rejuvenation, the development of the financial system is an important part of the country's core competitiveness. The theme of this forum, "Accelerating the Construction of a Financial Powerhouse," is highly relevant. The financial discipline should shoulder its important mission, actively respond to the "Questions of China, Questions of the World, Questions of the Era, and Questions of the People," and make five major contributions in "Science and Technology Finance, Green Finance, Inclusive Finance, Pension Finance, and Digital Finance."

Nie Jun, Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Wuhan University, stated that finance is the lifeblood of the national economy. Currently, China's economy is in a crucial period of transforming development modes, optimizing economic structure, and shifting growth drivers. In this process, finance plays an important role. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of a financial powerhouse and firmly follow the path of developing finance with Chinese characteristics.

The Luojia Financial Forum is a branded academic forum organized by the School of Economics and Management, aiming to strengthen communication and cooperation among peers in the field of finance in China, and promote the prosperity and development of the financial field. During this conference, 29 academic reports were delivered. Participants discussed key topics such as innovative monetary policy tools of central banks, innovation of financial institution products and services, digital finance and digital economy, construction and development of multi-level capital markets, financial regulation and prevention of systemic risks, development and construction of financial disciplines, and journal construction and development, contributing wisdom and seeking good strategies for the high-quality development of China's finance.

(photos provided by the School of Economics and Management; Edited by Zhao Jifan)

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