5 PM
News Network (Correspondent Li Xuan) - On June 2, the symposium "Building Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation," hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was held in Beijing.Professor Liu Anzhi from School of History at Wuhan University was invited to attend this conference. In the afternoon session on "Historical Interpretation of the 'Five Distinct Characteristics' of Chinese Civilization,...
4 PM
News Network (Correspondents Chen Qi and Wang Zheng) - On June 2, coinciding with the first anniversary of the Cultural Heritage Development Symposium, the second leadership group meeting of the "Minzang" Compilation Cultural Project was held at Wuhan University.Guo Qiyong stated that the "Minzang" Compilation Cultural Project is a significant undertaking aimed at continuing cultural heritage and writing ...
4 AM
On the afternoon of May 31, renowned civil law scholar and distinguished professor at Renmin University of China, Professor Wang Liming, delivered the 435th Luojia Forum lecture titled "New Developments in Breach of Contract Remedies."Professor Wang systematically explained the new developments in breach of contract remedies within the framework of the Civil Code and the General Principles of Contract ...
31 PM
News Network (Correspondent Xu Yan) - On the evening of May 30, Professor Wang Mingke, a guest lecturer in the History Department at Peking University and a research fellow at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, delivered the 434th Luojia Forum lecture titled "Agriculture and Civilization."In his report, Professor Wang said that while the academic community generally believes ...
28 AM
On the morning of May 27, Professor Zhou Zheng from the University of Hong Kong was invited to the Yangtze Forum at Wuhan University, delivering a lecture titled "Innovation Development and China Strategy Research."Professor Zhou first compared various patents from China with those of other countries, finding that while China leads the world in patent quantity, it lags in innovation quality. Based ...
21 PM
On the afternoon of May 18, 2024, Professor Jia Junxue from Renmin University of China was invited to give a special lecture on "Construction of the Chinese Fiscal Policy System" at the Yangtze Forum, hosted by the School of Economics and Management at Wuhan University.Professor Jia first introduced the characteristics of China's fiscal policies during different periods since the reform and opening ...
20 AM
From May 17 to 18, 2024, the first "International Forum on the Study of Bamboo and Wooden Slips from the Warring States, Qin, and Han Dynasties" was held at Seoul National University. The event was jointly organized by the Department of Oriental History and the Institute of East Asian Cultures at Seoul National University, Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University, and the Institute ...
19 AM
On the afternoon of May 17, Ning Qi, Vice President of Peking University and Boya Distinguished Professor, was invited as a guest speaker at the 431st Luojia Forum at Wuhan University, delivering an academic report titled "Cultivating Cross-Cultural Competence in Foreign Language Talents for Civilizational Exchange and Mutual Learning." The forum was successfully held at the Old Library on Yingding....
17 PM
On May 16, Wuhan University hosted an academic forum commemorating the eighth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "5.17" speech, titled "Digital Humanities: Opportunities and Challenges."Li Gang, Dean of the Wuhan Institute of Data Intelligence, delivered a keynote speech on "Development Strategies for Digital Social Sciences at Wuhan University," emphasizing the need to actively ...
13 PM
On May 10, Professor Li Jianming from the History Department of Fudan University gave a lecture at the 428th Luojia Forum, titled "The Concept of 'Early Modern' in World History Periodization."The report was divided into three parts: "Formation and Initial Meaning of the 'Early Modern' Concept," "Localization and Globalization of 'Early Modern'," and "Applicability of 'Early Modern' in Domestic Historical ...
9 PM
On the afternoon of May 8, researcher Yang Jiemian was invited as a guest speaker at the 429th Luojia Forum, delivering a report titled "The Integrated Development of Universities and Diplomacy in the New Era."The report was divided into three parts: "Political Positioning Integrated with Professional Expertise," "It is better to retreat and weave a net than to stand by the water and envy the fish....
24 PM
The textbook "Industrial Heritage Tourism," edited by Han Han, a teacher at the National Institute of Cultural Development in Wuhan University, was recently published by China Tourism Press. As a supporting textbook for the Master of Tourism Management (MTA) course "Industrial Heritage Tourism," it is based on the practice of industrial heritage tourism in China and plays a significant role in constructing ...
24 PM
On April 17, renowned sinologist Professor Karl-Heinz Pohl from Trier University was invited to give an academic lecture on "Reflections on a Cross-Cultural Dialogue" at Wuhan University. This event was part of the "High-end Interdisciplinary Dialogue" series organized by the Youth Team of "Classical Text Interpretation and Discourse Change in Cross-Cultural Communication."Professor Karl-Heinz PohlProfessor ...
23 AM
On April 17, the "Seminar on New Quality Productive Forces Development" was successfully held at the School of Economics and Management at Wuhan University.Jointly organized by Xinhua News Agency, the seminar focused on the important topic of new quality productive forces, which has significant theoretical and practical implications for the in-depth study and advancement of new quality productive forces....
18 AM
News Network (Correspondent Zhang Mengna) - From April 13 to 14, the Fifth Cross-Strait Symposium on Chinese Cultural Heritage and Development, themed "Inheriting Chinese Culture and Building Cross-Strait Roots," was successfully held at Wuhan University.Experts and scholars from both sides of the strait engaged in in-depth discussions on the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. Professor ...
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