[Academic Forum]High-level Forum on Chinese Historical Linguistics and Book Launch for Mr. Lu Liehong's Posthumous Work

News Network (Correspondent Tian Hua) From March 23rd to 24th, the "High-level Forum on Chinese Historical Linguistics and the Book Launch for Mr. Lu Liehong's Posthumous Work 'A Biography of Liu Ze'" was held at our university. More than 110 experts and cultural workers from 52 universities and publishing institutions at home and abroad attended the event, discussing the latest developments in Chinese historical linguistics, witnessing the publication of Mr. Lu Liehong's posthumous work "A Biography of Liu Ze". And they deeply reminisced about Mr. Lu Liehong and his spirit of learning.

Shen Zhuanghai, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University, attended the opening ceremony on March 23rd and delivered a speech titled "Promoting a Simple Academic Style and Embarking on a New Journey of Language Discipline Construction." Shen Zhuanghai reviewed the history of Chinese language research at Wuhan University and the inheritance and development of Zhang Huang’s scholarship in Wuhan University, highly affirmed the important contributions of Mr. Liu Ze and Professor Lu Liehong to the development of Chinese language, warmly congratulated the publication of "A Biography of Liu Ze," and he expressed deep remembrance for Professor Lu Liehong, hoping that scholars in the language discipline of our university will continue to promote a simple academic style, deepen research on the essence of Chinese language, strengthen theoretical research on language, layout interdisciplinary research on language and cognition, and embark on a new journey of language discipline construction, so that the development of language discipline at Wuhan University will have both historical heritage and future orientation.

Professor Yu Ting, Dean of the School of Literature at Wuhan University, expressed in his speech the intention to commemorate Professor Lu Liehong, which is to continue the tradition of Zhang Huang's studies and to honor the teachers with respect and courtesy. Professor Wang Yunlu, President of the China Research Society on Semantics and Etymology, Professor Du Xiaoqin, Director of the Chinese Department at Peking University, Professor Li Zhiping, Dean of the School of Literature at Hubei Normal University, and Professor Tao Xihong, Dean of the School of Literature and Journalism at South-Central University for Nationalities, also delivered speeches.

After the opening ceremony, the conference proceeded with group academic presentations, with a total of 85 papers presented. Scholars' presentations covered various areas of Chinese historical linguistics, including grammar, writing, phonology, and philology, showcasing the latest research development in Chinese historical linguistics and engaging in in-depth discussions and exchanges. The conference was a high level academic event, with lively academic exchanges and distinct theoretical perspectives.

On the morning of March 24th, the book launch for Mr. Lu Liehong's posthumous work "A Biography of Liu Ze" and the commemoration of Mr. Lu Liehong's memory were successfully held.

After the book launch, scholars watched a video tribute to Mr. Lu Liehong, and representatives spoke one after another, recalling Mr. Lu Liehong's gentle demeanor and brilliance in learning.

Following the commemoration, Professor Yao Shuangyun, President of the Hubei Linguistic Society, summarized the conference and delivered the closing speech. This conference was jointly organized by the School of Literature at Wuhan University, the School of Literature at Hubei Normal University, the School of Literature and Journalism at South-Central University for Nationalities, and Hubei People's Publishing House.

(Photo Credit: School of Literature, Editor: Zhao Jifan)

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