[Academic Seminar]Experts and Scholars Focus on Innovative Development of Chinese Culture in the New Era

On December 17, the "2023 Scenes (China) Summit Forum", initiated by Wuhan University, was held online. Over ten experts and scholars from China, the United States, Canada, and Japan focused on the innovative development of Chinese culture in the new era, presenting the latest achievements in academic research on cutting-edge theories and innovative practices.

Several experts shared their research findings on topics such as nighttime consumption, scenes prediction, cultural heritage, urban culture, and community governance, providing a rich academic feast of frontier theories and practical innovations.

Professor Terry Clark from the University of Chicago interpreted the core concepts and intrinsic value of scenes research based on the major theoretical directions and data analysis of international studies on the theory of scenes. He proposed the localization issue of scenes research and emphasized the era-specific characteristics and intrinsic value of scenes theory research in China.

Fan Zhou, the director of Beijing Jinghe Cultural Tourism Development Research Institute, used 15 nighttime consumption gathering areas, including Beijing 798 and Harbin Central Street, as research samples. He provided data analysis based on the nighttime cultural tourism consumption scene scores, covering dimensions such as visitor gender, age, consumption capacity, and nighttime activity level. His presentation offered suggestions on the high-quality development of China's nighttime cultural and tourism aggregation areas using scenes thinking.

Professor Daniel Sirr, a sociology professor at the University of Toronto in Canada, introduced the research progress of his research team's intention to build a research model for predicting future changes in scenes. He shared the team's results of collecting data from over 20 cities globally using a new comfort object grasping tool, emphasizing the effectiveness and broad development space of the scenes theory research paradigm.

Professor Chen Bo from the National Institute of Cultural Development at Wuhan University focused on the "Research on the Expression of Scene of Chinese Mountainous World Cultural Heritage." He explored the scene features of eight Chinese mountainous world cultural heritages, discussing the cultural connotations and spiritual values embodied by the "mountain" cultural carriers. He proposed new solutions to the classification and treatment of comfort objects such as natural landscapes and cultural heritages.

Professor Fu Caiwu, the Dean of the National Institute of Cultural Development at Wuhan University, concluded the seminar. He pointed out that the participating experts and scholars had made important efforts in expressing the localization of scenes theory. They provided a Chinese solution to promote the modernization of Chinese culture and social governance. He suggested that scenes research should promote the exchange and mutual learning of culture, innovate disciplines and paradigms, and establish an academic discourse system. He further emphasized addressing significant practical issues in the development of local urban communities and the cultural tourism industry and maximizing the academic value of scenes theory.

The forum was conducted through the ZOOM webinar and was simultaneously broadcast on various media platforms such as China Net++, Sina News, Baidu News, Tencent Video, and Sina Weibo, with over 1.4 million online viewers.

(Editor: Xiang Ru)

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