Professor Lu Hongyou Issued Paper to Discuss "Environmental Health and Poverty" Trap


Recently, as the corresponding author, professor Lu Hongyou wrote a paper entitled “Pollution, Health and Inequality - Across the ‘Environmental Health and Poverty’ Trap" together with his doctoral student Qi Yu. This paper was reprinted in the first issue of Xinhua Digest in 2016. Previously, it was published in Management World in the 9th issue of 2015. 

This paper constructs a model to explore the relationship among environment, health and inequality. Based on the data of China General Social Survey 2006 and city pollution index, this paper estimated the health and economic burden of air pollution, regional distribution of pollution and their contribution to regional inequality in 112 major cities from 2003 to 2010. The conclusion shows that economic backwardness is positively correlated with health and economic burden of pollution, pollution and health burden will increase economic inequality by 1.33%-9.919%. 

This paper is a part of the research results of National Social Science Fund major project "Assessment of Basic Public Services Inequality between Urban and Rural Environment and Equalization Path Study" (project number: 11 & ZD041) chaired by Professor Lu Hongyou.

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