【Academic Exchange】Oxford University CESS Team Visits WHU School of Economics and Management

From August 23 to 25, 2017, Prof. Raymond Duch, Director of the Center for Experimental Social Science (CESS) in Oxford University and research fellow Peiran Jiao, visited the Experimental Research Center and Laboratory Room of the School of Economics and Management. And they attended several seminars with the Wuhan University teachers and students from the Department of Mathematical Finance and Mathematical Economics, Department of Economics, Department of Psychology etc.

Professor Raymond Duch first introduced the basic situation and mode of operation of Oxford University CESS, highlighting their cooperation with experimental sub-centers in Chile, India and other places. Professor Wei Lijia introduced the development of Wuhan University Behavioral Science Experimental Center, the status quo of scientific research and the development of WeChat experimental system.

Professor Raymond Duch believes that Wuhan University's WeChat experimental system will be widely used in various fields of social science in China. Oxford University CESS is willing to work with the Wuhan University of Behavioral Science Research and Experimental Center to promote and use the system.

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