The Book Events of Anti-Corruption in Chinese History Edited by Professor Huang Huixian was Reprinted



    The book Events of Anti-Corruption in Chinese History edited by Professor Huang Huixian from the School of History was reprinted recently. It was published by the Sichuan Dictionary Publishing House. Professor Huang, at the age of 84, served as the chief editor, and professor Zhang Jianmin, XueGuozhong and Lu Caineng and associate professor Wang Xuehua from the School of History participated in the edit. In the reprinted version, scholars have revised the old version, and added some content since 1997 in the part of laws and regulations to make it more contemporary. Many grassroots party organizations regard this book as required reading for party members and cadres, and it was well received in the whole society.


    This book covers more than 300 typical historical events. It consists of three parts: historical events, comments of famous person, laws and regulations. In the first part, historical figures ranging from the Spring and Autumn Period to 1949 Republic of China, which spanned 2600 years, were covered. In today’s world when we set anti-corruption as our top priority, it is high relevant for Events of Anti-Corruption in Chinese History to get reprinted. (School of History  QuLuming)

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